Appendix A

Adaptive Expertise Survey & Results (Adapted from Fisher & Peterson, 2001).

Directions:    Respond to the following items by circling what you feel is the most appropriate answer.

 I create several models of a design or problem to see which one I like best.
Strongly Agree - 1    Agree    Neutral - 2    Disagree    Strongly Disagree    Undecided

When I consider a problem, I like to see how many different ways I can look at it.
Strongly Agree     Agree - 3    Neutral    Disagree    Strongly Disagree    Undecided

Usually there is one correct method in which to represent a problem.
Strongly - 1 Agree - 1    Agree    Neutral    Disagree    Strongly Disagree - 1    Undecided

I tend to focus on a particular model in which to solve a problem.
Strongly Agree     Agree - 1    Neutral - 2    Disagree    Strongly Disagree    Undecided

I am open to changing my mind when confronted with an alternative viewpoint.
Strongly Agree - 1    Agree - 2    Neutral    Disagree    Strongly Disagree    Undecided

I rarely consider other ideas after I have found the best answer.
Strongly Agree    Agree 1    Neutral     Disagree 2    Strongly Disagree    Undecided

I find additional ideas burdensome after I have found a way to solve the problem.
Strongly Agree    Agree 1    Neutral 1    Disagree    Strongly Disagree 1    Undecided

For a new situation, I consider a variety of approaches until one emerges superior.
Strongly Agree    Agree 2    Neutral     1    Disagree    Strongly Disagree    Undecided

I solve all related problems in the same manner.
Strongly Agree    Agree 1    Neutral      Disagree 2    Strongly Disagree    Undecided

When I solve a new problem, I always try to use the same approach.
Strongly Agree    Agree 1    Neutral       Disagree 2    Strongly Disagree    Undecided

There is one best way to approach a problem.
Strongly Agree    Agree    Neutral        Disagree 2    Strongly Disagree 1    Undecided

As I learn, I question my understanding of the new information.
Strongly Agree    Agree 1    Neutral        Disagree 2    Strongly Disagree    Undecided

I often try to monitor my understanding of the problem.
Strongly Agree    Agree 2    Neutral 1    Disagree    Strongly Disagree    Undecided

As a student, I cannot evaluate my own understanding of new material.
Strongly Agree    Agree    Neutral        Disagree 2    Strongly Disagree 1    Undecided

 I rarely monitor my own understanding while learning something new.
Strongly Agree    Agree    Neutral     1    Disagree 1    Strongly Disagree 1    Undecided

When I know the material, I can recognize areas where my understanding is incomplete.
Strongly Agree    Agree 3    Neutral    Disagree    Strongly Disagree    Undecided

I have difficulty in determining how well I understand a topic.
Strongly Agree    Agree 1    Neutral      Disagree 2    Strongly Disagree    Undecided

I monitor my performance on a task.
Strongly Agree    Agree 2    Neutral     1    Disagree    Strongly Disagree    Undecided

As I work, I ask myself how I am doing and seek out appropriate feedback.
Strongly Agree    Agree 3    Neutral    Disagree    Strongly Disagree    Undecided

I seldom evaluate my performance while I am working.
Strongly Agree    Agree 1    Neutral      Disagree 1    Strongly Disagree 1    Undecided

Challenge stimulates me.
Strongly Agree 1    Agree 1    Neutral      Disagree 1    Strongly Disagree    Undecided

I feel uncomfortable when I cannot solve difficult problems or am unsure of how to proceed.
Strongly Agree 1    Agree 1    Neutral         Disagree 1    Strongly Disagree    Undecided

I am afraid to try tasks that I do not think I will do well.
Strongly Agree    Agree    Neutral 1    Disagree 1    Strongly Disagree 1    Undecided

Although I hate to admit it, I would rather do well in a class than learn a lot.
Strongly Agree    Agree    Neutral         Disagree 2     Strongly Disagree 1    Undecided

One can increase their level of expertise in any area if they are willing to try.
Strongly Agree 3    Agree    Neutral    Disagree    Strongly Disagree    Undecided

Expertise can be developed through hard work.
Strongly Agree 1    Agree 2    Neutral    Disagree    Strongly Disagree    Undecided

To become an expert in fabrication or design, you must have an innate talent for fabrication/design.
Strongly Agree    Agree 1    Neutral       Disagree 2    Strongly Disagree    Undecided

Experts in manufacturing/fabrication are born with a natural talent for their field.
Strongly Agree    Agree    Neutral        Disagree 3    Strongly Disagree    Undecided

Experts are born, not made.
Strongly Agree    Agree    Neutral        Disagree 2    Strongly Disagree 1    Undecided

Even if frustrated when working on a difficult problem, I can push on.
Strongly Agree    Agree 3    Neutral        Disagree    Strongly Disagree    Undecided

I feel uncomfortable when unsure if I am doing something the right way.
Strongly Agree    Agree 2    Neutral        Disagree 1    Strongly Disagree    Undecided

Poorly completing a project is not a sign of a lack of intelligence.
Strongly Agree    Agree 1    Neutral         Disagree 2    Strongly Disagree    Undecided

When I struggle, I wonder if I have the intelligence to succeed.
Strongly Agree    Agree 1    Neutral         Disagree 2    Strongly Disagree    Undecided

Knowledge that exists today may be replaced with a new understanding tomorrow.
Strongly Agree 1    Agree 2    Neutral    Disagree    Strongly Disagree    Undecided

Most knowledge that exists in the world today will not change.
Strongly Agree    Agree    Neutral        Disagree 3    Strongly Disagree    Undecided

Facts that are taught to me in class must be true.
Strongly Agree    Agree 1    Neutral 1     Disagree 1    Strongly Disagree    Undecided

Existing knowledge in the world seldom changes.
Strongly Agree    Agree 1    Neutral        Disagree 2    Strongly Disagree    Undecided

I accomplished what I wanted to in the class (special design projects).
Strongly Agree 1    Agree 2    Neutral    Disagree    Strongly Disagree    Undecided

My project met the expectations I had for completeness/design.
Strongly Agree 2    Agree    Neutral 1    Disagree    Strongly Disagree    Undecided

Mr. Hibbert helped me meet my goals for my project.
Strongly Agree 1    Agree 2    Neutral        Disagree    Strongly Disagree    Undecided

Mr. Hibbert created a learning atmosphere where I could make my own decisions.
Strongly Agree 1    Agree 2    Neutral        Disagree    Strongly Disagree    Undecided

Mr. Hibbert designed classroom projects that challenged me.
Strongly Agree 1    Agree 2    Neutral         Disagree    Strongly Disagree    Undecided

The mentors I worked with helped me learn more about my project.
Strongly Agree 2    Agree 1    Neutral     Disagree    Strongly Disagree    Undecided

The mentors were knowledgeable and “experts” in their field.
Strongly Agree 2    Agree 1    Neutral     Disagree    Strongly Disagree    Undecided

The mentors gave me enough feedback on my project.
Strongly Agree    Agree    3    Neutral     Disagree    Strongly Disagree    Undecided

I would like the mentors to show me exactly how to do something.
Strongly Agree    Agree    1    Neutral     Disagree 2    Strongly Disagree    Undecided

I preferred experimenting/doing on my own, and then having the mentors guide me in my work.
Strongly Agree    Agree 3    Neutral     Disagree    Strongly Disagree    Undecided

I chose a project that I was excited about and wanted to learn more about.
Strongly Agree 2    Agree    1    Neutral     Disagree    Strongly Disagree    Undecided

If I took this class again, I would have chosen a different project.
Strongly Agree    Agree        Neutral     Disagree 1    Strongly Disagree 1    Undecided 1

I would have liked Mr. Hibbert to tell me/show me what to do, every day, rather than learn on my own.
Strongly Agree    Agree        Neutral     Disagree 3    Strongly Disagree    Undecided

Sketchup was helpful in designing/visualizing my project.
Strongly Agree 1    Agree    1    Neutral 1     Disagree    Strongly Disagree    Undecided

Sketchup was more difficult than drawing a project on my own.
Strongly Agree 1    Agree 1    Neutral     Disagree 1    Strongly Disagree    Undecided

I would have liked more time in class to use Sketchup.
Strongly Agree    Agree    1    Neutral 2    Disagree    Strongly Disagree    Undecided

I would have like Mr. Hibbert to show me exactly how to use Sketchup.
Strongly Agree    Agree    1    Neutral     Disagree 2    Strongly Disagree    Undecided

I preferred learning how to use Sketchup on my own.
Strongly Agree    Agree 1    Neutral 2    Disagree    Strongly Disagree    Undecided

Blogging helped me think about my project and how to improve it.
Strongly Agree    Agree    2    Neutral     Disagree    Strongly Disagree    Undecided 1

I would have like to blog more.
Strongly Agree 1    Agree 1    Neutral 1     Disagree    Strongly Disagree    Undecided

I would have liked to have time to blog during class.
Strongly Agree    Agree    2    Neutral 1     Disagree    Strongly Disagree    Undecided

I would recommend this learning format to others (special projects/mentors etc.).
Strongly Agree 1    Agree    2    Neutral     Disagree    Strongly Disagree    Undecided

Going through this course prepared me to “learn better” in other courses.
Strongly Agree 2    Agree 1    Neutral     Disagree    Strongly Disagree    Undecided

I can use what I learned in this course to learn other things of my choice.
Strongly Agree 2    Agree    1    Neutral     Disagree    Strongly Disagree    Undecided


Thanks for a great class and new and creative ways to learn!

Appendix B

Please responded to the following question, always put your name with your posts.  "Always save after you have posted."

1. "Can learning happen, without being taught", Do you have to have a teacher to learn something?

I'm more of a person that learns from my mistakes.. and when people tell me what I did wrong (what then?).   I'm a visual learner, I don't enjoy babbling out of a text book to learn.  No you do not have to have a teacher to learn things.  Like I said, I learn from my mistakes.  Teachers of course help though.(help what?) Trent

In some instances you may learn more without a teacher. It makes you have to research more and find out what mistakes other people have made to get to were they are in life. If People like a hobby or truly love something they will always be helpful in how to make things better and more precise. Basically you can learn some things on your own and it may help you succeed. Who do you think taught the first people who wanted to learn something, themselves.   Brandon
I learn best from visual and trial and error. My dad doesn't like that I have about eight projects, and I want more. Kids learn from mistakes, and parents need to let them make some, then maybe they will listen to them more.  Brian

2.  What is one specific example of something you learned that was easy, and one example of something that was difficult to learn, and why each was either easy or hard?

The lathe was the easiest and funniest for me. Both the metal and the wood lathes. My dad liked the bat I made on the wood lathe and the barrel hinge on the metal lathe. The hardest is English class I can't stay focused and i am always thinking about working in the shop and building my trailer. I have made about 35 drawing of everything on it.  Brian

Well one really good example I can think of that was fun and not to difficult was mig welding i thought i caught onto that pretty well, dual shield is always fun to. The hardest class would probably have to be chemistry, I have hard times with all of the chemical equations but labs are usually some fun.  Trent

One of the easiest things for me to learn was welding. The main reason was because it is fun, I enjoy trying to make each weld a little better and I’m constantly in competition with myself. One of the hardest things for me has to be math. I don’t like something when I cant figure it out and sometimes I cant figure out math. Welding I could figure it out and is another reason why I like it. Brandon

3.  I would like you to write about what you knew about pouring concrete.  Then how that knowledge was changed or strengthened by your experience of pouring the concrete slab outside the shop.   Then tell me what you learned and why you learned what you did.  29 Oct. 2007

I though that putting the rebar on rebar chairs would be way easier. The skreet board was a pain in the butt and back hurting. I knew about the form boards and how to put them up.  The two guys that helped us were very funny and new what they were doing.  Brian

That was the first time I had ever poured a slab bigger than what would go into a fence hole. I learned a lot and Raybo and everyone that came to help were very knowledgeable and didn't seem to mind helping a few high school kids how its done.  My mentor is very knowledgeable and enjoys helping us learn.  Trent