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My Dream Job

Job Description

Fremont County School District #2 (FCSD2), Dubois, Wyoming is seeking a new member for its teaching and learning community to serve as a Technology Education (Industrial Arts, Technology and Agriculture) Teacher. Community members are looking for a Learning Designer who can work collaboratively with staff, learners, administration and parents to create relevant learning experiences. This person understands that “covering” material is not the same as creating learning experiences where learners have the opportunity to delve as far as needed into the world and seek new understandings. This person knows how to design activities where students are challenged to adapt their knowledge in innovative, creative ways.

Applicants should understand that FCSD2 does not require its students to prepare for or endure standardized testing. Similarly, FCSD2 does not use a standard grading system, preferring to assess understanding through authentic means such as portfolios and year long projects.
Applicants must pass a three day, technology intensive, problem-based constructivist boot camp where they will be challenged to work collaboratively with other members of FCSD2’s team. Interested applicants must be willing to work collaboratively with expert mentors and other learning designers to meet the needs of the learner.
FCSD2 offers flexible working hours and competitive pay and benefits. Learning Designers use the classrooms and community rooms wherever and whenever needed. The needs of students and designers come first so FCSD2 funds student projects fully and provides cutting-edge, innovative technology to Designers and Learners and their families.

Technologies that could impact learning success in my classroom.

One technology that I have been using and will continue to use in the future is Google's SketchUp.  SketchUp is a 3D drafting program and there is a free version which I have my students download and use at home and they can use it in designing their projects in class.  It is very simple and easy to use, but it can also be used to create very technical drawings, depending on the needs of the student.  I am currently working on a Qwest grant to enable our school to purchase a small CNC (computerized numerical controled) Milling machine for the students to design and create projects out of plastic as a precurser to making metal projects on the larger machines in the metal shop.

Other technologies I am using and hope to find more of are, blogs and websites my students can post their work and reflections on, in order to create their own personal e-portfolio as part of their graduation requirements and to take with them for future use of their work and skills they have learned and developed.