Mission Statement

I will focus on my students passions to find relevant projects for them to grow individually, while helping them develop skills that add value to them and their community. I will create learning experiences that will be enjoyable and excite them about the learning process. I will help them find mentors in areas that interest them where they can develop expert skills in design, problem-solving and building skills.

Leadership Beliefs

    Good leaders focus on the values and purpose of the organization, and not the product.  Products come and go, but values stay the same.  Leaders that are successful listen to the work force and will reflect on their inputs.  They will also give feedback that is honest and sincere, positive where it is relevant and constructive where it is needed.  Leaders that stray from these paths will loose some of their credibility, and some of their inner value.  Those are the areas where we develop shadow beliefs, and where we begin to loose our connection with self fulfillment.  
    We all could become good leaders, but many of us have so many shadow beliefs to overcome before we would become very product.  It is a matter of being honest or authentic with our inter self.
      I am not as good of a leader as I could be, because of my own shadow beliefs.  I am a good leader in some areas of my life, but those could be enhanced also with some work.  I need to work on my personal goals and family goals for life.  I need to spend sometimes reflecting and focusing on these before I could really lead others.
    Finally I think taking personal responsibility for your own actions is possibly one of the most important traits a leader should posses.  This is an area that I have always felt that I have done a good job at.  But after reading Zander and some of Cashman, I see there are still many areas concerning my career as a Learning Designer (Teacher) that I can improve in.  One for instance is taking full responsibility for my students when they are in my classroom.  Not always pushing the buck back to my students parents or the system, etc.  I can see now that what happens in my classroom is my responsibility, good or bad.  This will open up doors for my students and my self in the future.
